Ms Tamara LESKOVAR is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Archaeology and a member of the Council of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Archaeology at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, specialised in various types of analysis of skeletal remains, from macroscopic to biomolecular. She completed undergraduate and postgraduate studies in archaeology at the Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. During the postgraduate studies in archaeology in Ljubljana, she received a scholarship from the AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council), which enabled her to pursue a Master of Science in Human Osteology and palaeopathology at the University of Bradford (UK) in parallel. While studying at Bradford, she was awarded a project from the Society for the Study of Human Biology (SSHB, UK) researching stable isotopes in human ossicles. For her postdoctoral studies in archaeology, she received a Fulbright scholarship and worked as a visiting scholar at Quinnipiac University in Connecticut (USA). She also received a DAAD scholarship for training in human and animal bone histology at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich (DE). Since her return to Slovenia in 2017, she has been employed at the Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. She was included into the Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) project Encounters and Transformations in Iron Age Europe (ENTRANS), and into the Cremation or Inhumation of ancient populations? A Multidisciplinary question at the European level (CRIME) project, performing various analyses of human skeletal remains. She was also included into the project Interreg Iron Age Danube (IAD) for the protection, promotion and tourist use of cultural heritage, and into the project Researchers Night for the promotion and presentation of science to the general public. She is currently working on research and commercial archaeological and anthropological projects, conducting archaeological fieldwork and various macroscopic and microscopic analyses of human remains.